Friday, September 7, 2007

Wise words from a former PM

A very interesting interview with Paul Keating was on Dateline on Wednesday night 5 September. Keating was one of the architects of the APEC movement and he had some thought provoking statements about Australia and the world. I'm always interested to hear what people think about Australia's involvement in the War in Iraq. Defence Minister Brendan Nelson recently visited Iraq and installed some spirit to the troops by reminding them that the masterminds of the Bali bombs, which killed 88 Australians, had trained in Afghanistan and that the Australians were playing an important role of iradicating terroists. Keating gave his own insight into the war, stating that it had damaged the country severly and that Howard has put too many eggs into the one basket by focusing on Iraq. Keating said that Australia should direct more interest into North Asia as China becomes a more influential economic and political powerhouse. He mentioned the massive populations of China, Japan and India were obvious indicators that these countries will play a bigger role in Australia's future. Keating made it clear that Rudd had a better understanding and appreciation of China which would serve Australian interests well.

What are your thoughts of Australia's involvement in the war in Iraq?

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